The Big Bang
In the beginning there was nothing. No energy, no matter, no time, not even empty space. Then out of nowhere appears a fireball which was million times smaller than atom. 10 trillion times hotter than core of the sun. Then the fireball explodes...........
In 1929 Edwin Hubble discover that wavelength of light is longer for more distant galaxies. Light wave stretch as it moves further. It becomes longer and redder. It is called red shift........
There are 4 fundamental forces that governs our nature: Gravity, Weak Nuclear Force, Strong Nuclear Force and Electromagnetism. Though Gravity is the weakest force among 4 fundamental forces its effect is most prominent in large scale...............
At the time of Big Bang the temperature was extremely hot. It was trillion times hotter than the core of the sun. At this temperature the four forces we know today .............
Light from sun takes 8 min to reach us. We look at the sun as it was 8 min ago. Similarly light from star may take 20 years to reach earth. So we see the stars how it was 20 years ago. So we are looking 20 years back into past............
Cosmic radiation is the key to find out what happened in the early universe. From an instance the small fire ball which is billion times smaller than atom expands. Scientists call this rapid expansion Inflation. Inflation expands the fireball uniformly.............
If the universe is uniform how galaxies and stars form? To know the answer NASA launches WMAP in 2001. WMAP satellite's mission is to measure the temperature of cosmic radiation in more detail than ever. Wmap satellite hovers million...............
As the universe was too hot it was impossible to form any bond between particles. So in the first second of our universe only the building block can exist. But what is these building block look like. There is only..............
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is located at Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York. It is 2.5 mile ring designed to slam gold nuclei near the speed of light. It simulates the big bang.................
The universe is flooded with building block of matter. But how did pure energy turned into matter. It was a mystery until 1905 Einstein came with a famous equation E=MC2. This equation shows that energy and matter are different form of same.........................
Everything around us is made of matter created from big bang. Particle accelerator revealed that 2 types of particles are produced in equal parts. One is the type of matter we see around us. Other is the opposite called anti-matter.................
In 1964 Britain university of Edinburgh a physicist named Peter Higgs came with a breakthrough. He said an invisible force fields sweeps across universe that gives particle mass. It is called Higgs Field....................
Though it can be shown mathematicallly that higgs boson do exist, no particle accelerator was powerful enough to find boson particle. World's largest particle accelerator is built in Geneva Switzerland named Large Hadron Collider(LHC) to find the missing higgs boson................
After 1 second Quark can form bond to create Protons(p+), Neutron(n) and Electrons(e-). In the next few minutes the universe cools, so Protons and Neutrons can form first Atomic Nucleus ...........